At the heart of our services is our highly qualified diverse team of consultants. Our team structure allows us to operate with professionalism and pragmatism across a broad range of Health & Safety issues.
We are always on hand to help our clients through the various requirements of legislation and to help them achieve compliance in their place of work.

We develop and deliver Face to Face training, virtual training and e-learning courses.
Training is at the forefront of what we do and we passionately believe that training should be an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
Our competent and experienced fire safety consultants provide a range of Fire Safety and Dangerous Substances, Explosive Atmosphere (DSEAR) services, risk assessments and advice.
See how we can support you with fire risk assessments, advice, emergency planning and fire safety training requirements.

Our world class team of event safety specialists provide support, advice and knowledge, enabling you to get on with core tasks, confident that we will develop a complete safe systems of work, that dovetails into the overall event management plan.
We also provide on site advice in relation to event construction, crowd safety, weather monitoring and control room management.