Case Studies
Our work is varied and interesting. We are privileged to be able to work with some of the world's leading industry organisations across many sectors. Here are just some examples of the work our team of professional consultants carry out on a daily basis.
Automotive Retail
Our client is a major motor dealer with in excess of 120 dealerships in the United Kingdom. They needed to have an objective view of how their sites were performing in relation to health & safety.
ACT provides this by auditing each site annually against agreed criteria, with each site receiving an action plan of what they need to do to continually improve their health & safety performance.
Moreover the head office team also receive a detailed overview report identifying group performance and trends to assist them with prioritising future issues.
Now in its sixth year this audit programme delivers value to our client by making an invaluable contribution to improving the safety of their workers and customers.

Competent Advice
We have supported a hugely successful and reputable thoroughbred stud farm, breeding some of the most successful racehorses in the world, with competent health & safety and fire safety services.
Our consultants support the management team with regular visits, development of the safety management system, risk assessments, and inspections or audits to its farms in the UK and overseas.
ISO 45001
Our client is a large social housing organisation who manages a wide variety of risk profiles from care related issues to construction projects and everything and anything in-between.
We worked with our client to assist them in the formulation and development of their ISO45001 management system and the development thereof. This has been achieved by the provision of a dedicated competent team member acting as a point of contact for the client and embedding themselves within the risk management function of the company.
Activities have included participation in focus sessions, management system development and peer review, auditing functions and internal management team focal point activity.
We continue to provide ongoing Health & Safety services and support.

National Events
We were appointed by our client to develop, manage and implement event safety and Covid-19 risk management strategies for the truly humbling VJ Day 75 memorial service, held at the National Memorial Arboretum.
This was a complicated event due to the demographic of invited dignitaries, security considerations, global broadcasting presence and sheer size of the venue.
One of our consultants worked with the client for many months to develop robust safety plans and provide the governance and assurance, essential when planning for events utilising and interacting with numerous third parties.
Fire Risk Assessments
Our client owns a nationally recognised hotel chain. As part of our clients approach towards risk management they engaged with us to help them develop and deliver their fire risk assessment strategy, which includes all of their overnight accommodation portfolio and a number of associated buildings / activities.
Utilising our third party BAFE / UKAS accredited SP205 Life Fire Safety program we have conducted (and are continuing to conduct) life safety fire risk assessments at our client’s sites, as well as providing competent feedback and advice regarding specific findings & identified group trends.

Multi - Layered Training
Our client is a globally recognised motor sport organisation who has complex training needs due to their diverse risk portfolio and the international nature of their operation.
To address this we, in conjunction with the clients Health & Safety manager developed a multi layered training program which included:
IOSH accredited training using our tailored licence program and client specific learning outcomes.
Client specific training programs based upon an agreed learning journey and associated lesson plan.
IOSH accredited refresher training as an aid to continual improvement and safety culture promotion.
E-learning provision for specific hazard awareness, backed by our Learning Management System in terms of course allocation, assessment and monitoring.
Fire & DSEAR Assessments
Our client is a global manufacturer of high end components. The manufacturing basis is precise and complex with many high risk processes. We provide fire and DSEAR risk assessments to them and others in similar manufacturing industry throughout the U.K. These include a number of smelting operations along with forging activities, and product testing.
Once we had visited the site to carry out a detailed inspection, we were able to engage with site management to assist them to develop and deliver their national fire risk assessment and DSEAR risk assessment programs.
In order to achieve this we:
Provided the site fire risk assessment
Provided the site DSEAR risk assessment
Identified areas classified as hazardous zones
Reviewed current evacuation plans
Gave advice & recommendations to improve safety
Discussed pragmatic solutions to real world problems
In addition to the above we also provided ad hoc and annual reviews of the risk assessments as required, and have developed and delivered in house DSEAR awareness training.

Occupancy Calculations
We have worked with many of our clients both in the workplace, fixed sporting and entertainment venues and outdoor gatherings and events, to determine occupancy capacities to ensure numbers are safe and that the site evacuation strategies and planning are sufficient to meet demand.
With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic there has been an increased demand for re-calculation of capacity both in the workplace and for a return to sporting activities and mass participation events. We’ve supported employers, stadiums, arenas and organisers to help them plan for safe occupancy levels to comply with legislative requirements, Government guidelines and safeguard those people occupying the spaces.